Sunday 18 March 2012

Two Gentlemen of Verona- Research

Two Gentlemen of Verona

            Two gentlemen of Verona is about two men Valentine and Proteus. Valentine at the start leaves Verona to improve himself and is leaving to travel the world, while Proteus is stuck in Verona because he is in love with Julia. Furthermore, Antonio decides to send his son Proteus to the Dukes court in Milan. Before Proteus leaves he exchanges promise rings with Julia. On Valentines journey he falls in love with the Dukes daughter Silvia and as Proteus arrives in Milan he to falls in love with Silvia. Once Proteus gets word of Valentine and Silvia’s plan to elope he immediately tells the duke, which banished Valentine from the court. After being banished he is abducted by outlaws and is forced to become their king. Then as Silvia wants to leave her over protective brother the outlaws also abduct her. The duke and Proteus send a search party and Proteus finds Silvia but demands that Silvia gives him a favor for finding her but Silvia refuses, so Proteus tries to rape her but Valentine breaks it up. Valentine then offers to give Silvia to Proteus as a token of their friendship. However, Proteus decides that he loves Julia so he decides to marry Julia and the Duke allows Valentine to marry Silvia.

Main Characters

1.     Proteus
2.     Valentine
3.     Julia
4.     Silvia
5.     Duke of Milan
6.     Lucetta
7.     Launce
8.     Speed
9.     Thurio
10. Sir Eglamour
11. Antonio



Background and Analysis:

Ebook: I Have the Ebook on my Shakespeare app on my IPhone

Sunday 4 March 2012

PLN questions

1. A PLN is a personal learning network, which is a network of professionals with whom you share knowledge and from whom you gain knowledge.

2. 1. an inviting page
    2. information that persists to your chosen theme
    3. networking to meet people with the same interests

3. In university i am going to get into psychology and using a PLN could be benifital because I could use their networking system to talk to either teacher or professors who teach or have a psychology background or I could meet people who are in university in the same field.

4. i think potential employers could use a PLN for their advantage because they could really see what kind of person they are going to be hiring due to their interests and whats on their PLN.

5. My current online footer isn't employer friendly at all. For the future i could make it really focused on me and my life and hobbies so that an employer could see the real me and not just what i say about my self on paper