Sunday 4 March 2012

PLN questions

1. A PLN is a personal learning network, which is a network of professionals with whom you share knowledge and from whom you gain knowledge.

2. 1. an inviting page
    2. information that persists to your chosen theme
    3. networking to meet people with the same interests

3. In university i am going to get into psychology and using a PLN could be benifital because I could use their networking system to talk to either teacher or professors who teach or have a psychology background or I could meet people who are in university in the same field.

4. i think potential employers could use a PLN for their advantage because they could really see what kind of person they are going to be hiring due to their interests and whats on their PLN.

5. My current online footer isn't employer friendly at all. For the future i could make it really focused on me and my life and hobbies so that an employer could see the real me and not just what i say about my self on paper

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