Sunday 15 April 2012

itunes 4

            Many colleges and university’s have decided to go the route of visual and audio recordings of their lectures. By doing this they are able to reuse lectures and put them on the internet, for students who plan on attending their school or just for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge for free.

            Also, university’s can enroll students who never even attend one class but attend classes through the audio and visual recordings, which makes the university able to make more money without expanding their number of teachers. By making these pod casts university’s and colleges are only helping their self’s by putting these lessons on for free.

            Moreover, my course is actually very interesting as it shows you how physical activity can help people not just wanting to get fit but people who suffer from depression and anxiety. They also show how people think an act when it comes to working out, the psychological side of exercise.  

Itunes 3

I chose sport and exercise psychology and this is what I learned:


Its hard to get people to work out. Over half the people who start exercising give up after 6 months. People tend to stop exercising because they have no support. A personal trainer provides that initial step to get a person motivated and hopefully get them into a plan that will be benefital for them. Moreover, people don’t want to take them time out of their day to work out, so a personal trainer keeps them coming and working hard, on that persons unique goal.

Goal setting is a big part of working out. With having a goal set, you want to strive to beat that goal for self-satisfaction, but without motivation it is hard to stay on track. When people can see improvements in their self and in their workout, it brings a satisfaction to the person, which helps them to keep coming back.

Most people group together physical activity with going to the gym but there are many alternatives to going to the gym. It is much more than just going to the gym, physical activity is anything from golfing, to going for a bike ride, to playing at the park with your kids. People need to see physical activity as something fun not something that is a burden.

Exercise and mental health:

People exercise, because it makes them feel better. Exercise as a treatment for depression, shows that it does help lower depression, not always but over a number of experiments it shows a help in most cases. Doing physical activity weekly lower a persons chance of getting depression, as it makes you feel better about yourself. Moreover, exercise reduces anxiety and stress, so if you exercise right before a stressful time, it will help you to be calmer. Furthermore, physical activity will not change schizophrenia but will help change their quality of life and help with some symptoms.

Monday 9 April 2012

Shakespeare post 3

1)Were there any points/comments/ideas made that you agree with? Do you Disagree with any of the ideas that were either tweeted or presented in class? 

 I Agree but also disagree that Shakespeare had " bad writing" his writing is just in the way people back then used to talk and write. The way they go so in-depth in something that could be said much easier, makes it much harder to follow and to understand. I do agree that shakespeare is "Difficult" but if Shakespeare was to read something that was to be written in present time, I don't think that he would fully understand what was going on and wouldn't find it funny just as we don't find his works funny.

2) How do YOU overcome the frustration of studying something you have an innate prejudice against? How can a student overcome a barrier in their own education (like “I hate Shakespeare” or “I don’t like the way that class is being taught”) to become a better student/learner?

It is easy to Overcome the frustration of shakespeare, there are many things online that could be a huge help, as they change it from old english to new english. Also, all of his plays have a meaning behind them and many of those plots have been made into movies that we could relate too.

Itunes U post 2

Always on Learning

The old school learning method of teaching is now old. As having all my prior classes taught to me while I sit there and pretend to listen to a teacher talk or write on a chalk board is very boring. The old school method is what I'm used to though, the new method os everything done over computers is fun and fast but it really makes you, more responsible to get your assignments in because a teacher isn't telling you everyday.

Why any teacher would still use the old school approach is crazy. There is so much more on the internet and with the technology we have today for teachers to expand their learning while expanding ours. Learning shouldn't be limited to one text book per class, when you have an endless possibility on the internet to learn about anything you or your teacher wants you to learn about.

Furthermore, another key reason is that students don't want to sit there and listen to a teacher talk or teach something day in and day out. Students could be researching and learning everything the teacher wants them to online which is more interactive for the students.

There are a few ways to save money by not using the old school approach:

1. Itunes U- a place, where you can get free university course teachings

2. No Paper- saving money on paper because everything can be submitted online

3. No textbooks- No textbooks will be needed as text books are now your computer and the internet
old school class room, Looks like a blast....

Itunes U post 1

Khan Academy

I have personally been using khan academy to help me prepare for tests since grade 10, when my summer school teacher introduced it to me. These video's are very useful as he breaks down every chapter, of every unit, of most courses and teaches you a segment of the curriculum.

 Furthermore, before a test these viedo's have saved me numerous times, if i totally didn't get the unit or just had a little trouble khan's videos really helped to teach it to me in a way that i would understand.
The way he presents his lesson's are very visual which make it easier to learn and make notes of how some methods or equations work(pertaining to math). Learning a subject such as data is much easier done by watching the video's  where they are right infront of you and you have a pretty good teacher teaching it, rather than learning it off a chalk board or doing it out of a text book. You can also aalways refer back to these video's for a refresher before you begin to study for exams.

Moreover, the way these video's are made, benefit me as i am more of a hands on and visual learner and these video's get to the meat of the lesson and leave out little things that should already have been taught during regular school. Also, the way it is set up and how it is so visual makes it one of the easier ways to understand or learn something.

Khan Academy: Data Management

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Wednesday 4 April 2012

10 tech skills

Angry Bird Post

After reading the article 10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have, I realized, that I need to improve in a number of these skills.

Internet Search- I feel that I can search the web fairly well when trying to find something but it would only benefit by learning how to effectively search for things.

Office Suite Skills- I Have skills using Microsoft word but I am not very familiar with spreadsheets or MS office so I need to search and learn more about these useful tools.

  Self-Learning: I feel that I have very good skills in self learning, as I am very familiar with forms and using things such as youtube to help me with homework.

  Typing- I need to work on my typing skills because I am quite slow and don’t use all my fingers while typing.

Social Media- I am very knowledge about things such as facebook and twitter but I do not use them to their full potential.

 Netiquette- This is a skill that I need much improvement in as I know how to write an email but not a proper professional email and I am learning to use my social media so that if a job was to look at it, there would not be something I needed to hide.

Security and Safety- will be a necessity when I start to work so I can make sure that all my documents and everything is safe.

 Hardware basics and Troubleshooting- I have no clue on how to fix any thing to do with the hardware, which is not, a good thing but I do have knowledge of how to troubleshot for wifi.
Backup Data- I know many useful ways to back up my files such as dropbox, iCloud, and as easy as using a usb.

Finding Apps- I know how to find apps by using itunes and android.