The old school learning method of teaching is now old. As having all my prior classes taught to me while I sit there and pretend to listen to a teacher talk or write on a chalk board is very boring. The old school method is what I'm used to though, the new method os everything done over computers is fun and fast but it really makes you, more responsible to get your assignments in because a teacher isn't telling you everyday.
Why any teacher would still use the old school approach is crazy. There is so much more on the internet and with the technology we have today for teachers to expand their learning while expanding ours. Learning shouldn't be limited to one text book per class, when you have an endless possibility on the internet to learn about anything you or your teacher wants you to learn about.
Furthermore, another key reason is that students don't want to sit there and listen to a teacher talk or teach something day in and day out. Students could be researching and learning everything the teacher wants them to online which is more interactive for the students.
There are a few ways to save money by not using the old school approach:
1. Itunes U- a place, where you can get free university course teachings
2. No Paper- saving money on paper because everything can be submitted online
3. No textbooks- No textbooks will be needed as text books are now your computer and the internet

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