Sunday, 15 April 2012

Itunes 3

I chose sport and exercise psychology and this is what I learned:


Its hard to get people to work out. Over half the people who start exercising give up after 6 months. People tend to stop exercising because they have no support. A personal trainer provides that initial step to get a person motivated and hopefully get them into a plan that will be benefital for them. Moreover, people don’t want to take them time out of their day to work out, so a personal trainer keeps them coming and working hard, on that persons unique goal.

Goal setting is a big part of working out. With having a goal set, you want to strive to beat that goal for self-satisfaction, but without motivation it is hard to stay on track. When people can see improvements in their self and in their workout, it brings a satisfaction to the person, which helps them to keep coming back.

Most people group together physical activity with going to the gym but there are many alternatives to going to the gym. It is much more than just going to the gym, physical activity is anything from golfing, to going for a bike ride, to playing at the park with your kids. People need to see physical activity as something fun not something that is a burden.

Exercise and mental health:

People exercise, because it makes them feel better. Exercise as a treatment for depression, shows that it does help lower depression, not always but over a number of experiments it shows a help in most cases. Doing physical activity weekly lower a persons chance of getting depression, as it makes you feel better about yourself. Moreover, exercise reduces anxiety and stress, so if you exercise right before a stressful time, it will help you to be calmer. Furthermore, physical activity will not change schizophrenia but will help change their quality of life and help with some symptoms.

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