Monday 9 April 2012

Itunes U post 1

Khan Academy

I have personally been using khan academy to help me prepare for tests since grade 10, when my summer school teacher introduced it to me. These video's are very useful as he breaks down every chapter, of every unit, of most courses and teaches you a segment of the curriculum.

 Furthermore, before a test these viedo's have saved me numerous times, if i totally didn't get the unit or just had a little trouble khan's videos really helped to teach it to me in a way that i would understand.
The way he presents his lesson's are very visual which make it easier to learn and make notes of how some methods or equations work(pertaining to math). Learning a subject such as data is much easier done by watching the video's  where they are right infront of you and you have a pretty good teacher teaching it, rather than learning it off a chalk board or doing it out of a text book. You can also aalways refer back to these video's for a refresher before you begin to study for exams.

Moreover, the way these video's are made, benefit me as i am more of a hands on and visual learner and these video's get to the meat of the lesson and leave out little things that should already have been taught during regular school. Also, the way it is set up and how it is so visual makes it one of the easier ways to understand or learn something.

Khan Academy: Data Management

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