Wednesday 4 April 2012

10 tech skills

Angry Bird Post

After reading the article 10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have, I realized, that I need to improve in a number of these skills.

Internet Search- I feel that I can search the web fairly well when trying to find something but it would only benefit by learning how to effectively search for things.

Office Suite Skills- I Have skills using Microsoft word but I am not very familiar with spreadsheets or MS office so I need to search and learn more about these useful tools.

  Self-Learning: I feel that I have very good skills in self learning, as I am very familiar with forms and using things such as youtube to help me with homework.

  Typing- I need to work on my typing skills because I am quite slow and don’t use all my fingers while typing.

Social Media- I am very knowledge about things such as facebook and twitter but I do not use them to their full potential.

 Netiquette- This is a skill that I need much improvement in as I know how to write an email but not a proper professional email and I am learning to use my social media so that if a job was to look at it, there would not be something I needed to hide.

Security and Safety- will be a necessity when I start to work so I can make sure that all my documents and everything is safe.

 Hardware basics and Troubleshooting- I have no clue on how to fix any thing to do with the hardware, which is not, a good thing but I do have knowledge of how to troubleshot for wifi.
Backup Data- I know many useful ways to back up my files such as dropbox, iCloud, and as easy as using a usb.

Finding Apps- I know how to find apps by using itunes and android.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone could use a little netiquette is my motto. Everyone makes network etiquette mistakes when they are new, that's how we learn : )
